Dogs Against Drugs Shetland

Provided by Dogs Against Drugs Shetland

Detect illegal drugs and prevent substance abuse within Shetland.

Provide a high profile, visible deterrent to those involved in the drugs scene and discourage those contemplating becoming involved.

Assist the police and other agencies in the detection of illegal drugs.

Deter and prevent Shetland being used as a foothold for drug trafficking.

Encourage discussion and debate within the community regarding all aspects of drug abuse, including social, health, educational and legal perspectives.

Train and deploy drug detection dogs who will be based in Shetland.

Deliver drugs education to as many children in Shetland as possible and to work with our partner agencies in order to help educate future generations on the realities of illegal drugs.

Help signpost those affected by drugs to support services so they can access the care and support they need.

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Info-circleThis listing was last updated on 29/02/2024