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147 results for Shetland + Community Activities
Provided by Papa Stour History and Community Group

The Shetland island of Papa Stour has been experiencing significant depopulation over the last forty years, and the Papa Stour History and Community Group (SCIO) (PSHCG) was formed and constituted as…

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Provided by Clickimin Leisure Complex

Work all fitness components specific to football, helping take your game to the next level. Match Ready will provide a mix of resistance, plyometric, and cardio exercises. Working your power…

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Provided by Clickimin Leisure Complex

A HIIT CLASSIC! This class uses training techniques with traditional ’old school’ bodyweight exercises to set the metabolism on fire! Get ready to be pushed to your limits in the original 30-minute…

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Provided by Clickimin Leisure Complex

A fun mix of exercise to music, balance exercises, and strength and flexibility moves for older people.

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Provided by Clickimin Leisure Complex

This exhilarating full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired movements. Using Ripstix, lightly weighted drumsticks engineered…

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Provided by Clickimin Leisure Complex

The sport of Powerlifting incorporates the three most effective gym exercises for building serious all-round power and core strength. Join us in the Power Forge as we focus each week on the squat…

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Provided by Clickimin Leisure Complex

Gentle and Restorative. The class combines slow gentle movement and breathwork. It incorporates elements of Yoga Nidra, also known as Yoga Sleep, Yin Yoga, Guided Meditation, and Sound Therapy to…

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Provided by Clickimin Leisure Complex

Strength training as we age has many benefits, including an increase in bone density and muscle mass. This circuit class in our private Aspire studio will contribute to better balance and…

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Provided by Sellafirth Hall

Locally available space to hire, the hall consists of a small kitchen, two unisex toilets, one with baby changing facilities and grab rails for disabled individuals. There is also a small meeting…

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Provided by North Mainland Leisure Centre

A circuit class that caters for all abilities and works all areas of the body.

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