Find help and support in Shetland

Shetland Community Directory includes information about the many groups, organisations, and services available across Shetland. You can browse the full list of organisations or find a specific service using the keyword search box. Alternatively, you can filter listings by location or category to narrow down your search.

326 results for Shetland
Provided by Mossbank Public Hall

The charity continues to provide a community hall for the use of the inhabitants of Mossbank and the surrounding area, including the use of the facilities and the organisation of recreational…

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Provided by Aith Public Hall and Rankin Lounge

Available to the community for various functions such as weddings, birthday parties, dances, live music, and fetes.

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Provided by Mind Your Head (SCIO)

A Shetland-wide, nurturing and compassionate, low-level Wellbeing Support service for families with infants up to the age of 2.5 years

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Provided by Shetland Women's Aid

We are the lead organisation working towards the prevention of domestic abuse in Shetland. We offer advice, counselling, and both practical and emotional support to women, young people, and children…

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Provided by Mind Your Head (SCIO)

Wellness Programme is a Shetland-wide, open access, free and confidential low level support service, working alongside individuals over the age of 18 to improve their mental wellbeing and to improve…

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Provided by Mind Your Head (SCIO)

A low level, early intervention support service for children and young people aged 10-25 years old. The service will focus on normalising thoughts and feelings as well as offering a listening ear…

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Provided by Shetland Care Attendant Scheme

SCAS provides trained Care Attendants to go into unpaid carers’ homes to care for their dependent to enable the carer to have a vital break or rest from their caring responsibilities. Care Attendants…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Adoption is a process which allows someone to become a child’s parent. It is a legal procedure in which all the parental rights and responsibilities are removed from the birth parents and transferred…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Support from Early intervention is on a voluntary basis. Children, Young People or Parents can self-refer, either phoning for an informal chat or by emailing to request a referral form. Referrals can…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Adult Learning is part of Shetland Islands Council's Community Planning and Development Department. We provide informal learning opportunities in response to local and national priorities. This…

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