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Shetland Community Directory includes information about the many groups, organisations, and services available across Shetland. You can browse the full list of organisations or find a specific service using the keyword search box. Alternatively, you can filter listings by location or category to narrow down your search.

326 results for Shetland
Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Are you interested in Family History? At the Lerwick registrar's office there is access to DIGROS (Digital Imaging of the Genealogical records of Scotland's people). This consists of…

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Provided by Ability Shetland

This club provides a social meeting point for secondary aged children and young people and has a relaxed but lively atmosphere. Thursdays – 18:30 to 20:00 during school term.

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

The Shetland Islands registration main office is based in Lerwick Town Hall, and is normally open 9am to 1pm and 1.30pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Any birth or death that occurs anywhere in Scotland…

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Provided by Ability Shetland

The club provides a range of dry side sports activities including ball sports, racquet sports, boccia and bowls as well as a selection of table-top games. We also provide a block of ten swimming…

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Provided by Fetlar Community Council

The Community Council is a body which represents the views of the residents of Fetlar with Shetland Islands Council, ensuring that their voice is heard and their views taken into consideration.

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Provided by Ability Shetland

Shetland Boccia Club was formed in 2022 and is based in Lerwick. The club support both children and adults to participate, train and compete in the sport of boccia. Boccia is a target Paralympic…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Residential care home, operated by Shetland Islands Council and based in Lerwick for adults over 65.

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Provided by Ability Shetland

This club has a relaxed atmosphere and provides a social meeting point for school aged children and young people aged 4 -18. Activities ranging from arts and crafts to fun and games are chosen to…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Non-residential short break and respite for adults with learning disabilities and autism.

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Provided by Ability Shetland

Social Club for young adults based at Sandveien Neighbourhood Centre on Thursday evenings from 18:30 - 20:00.

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