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Shetland Community Directory includes information about the many groups, organisations, and services available across Shetland. You can browse the full list of organisations or find a specific service using the keyword search box. Alternatively, you can filter listings by location or category to narrow down your search.

326 results for Shetland
Provided by Ability Shetland

Open to all adults who have an interest in Arts & Crafts. The Arts and Crafts Club takes place monthly.

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Provided by Ability Shetland

This small group meets every week for a social get together and lunch. Book club days, film days, table top games and visiting speakers add a theme to sessions which are all accompanied by lively…

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Provided by Ability Shetland

Parent and child group to develop social skills in pre-school children while encouraging social interaction and peer support for parents and carers. Various times and locations. Please contact…

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Provided by Bressay Sports Club

The Bressay sports pitch borders the houses at Fullaburn and is open all year round. It is a regular venue for local sports matches, training and events.

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Provided by Ability Shetland

Our Westside Saturday group for children with additional support needs runs fortnightly from the Happyhansel School. This group also provides a safe space for parents / carers to meet for a cuppa…

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Provided by Cunningsburgh Football Club

The football pitch is maintained for training, matches and ad-hoc use over the summer months - roughly April to September. During the winter a small communtiy gym is opened in the changing room…

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Provided by Ability Shetland

The group is aimed at adults who may experience barriers to accessing social opportunities in their area. There will be various activities on offer including arts and crafts, games and quizzes…

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Provided by Sandwick Football Club

The Sandwick football pitch is based next to the Sandwick Youth Centre and open all year round. It is a regular venue for local football matches, training and events.

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Provided by Ability Shetland

This group aim to develop and encourage social interaction among primary aged children. The club runs on a Wednesday evening from 18:30 – 20:00 during school term time.

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Provided by Delting Football Club

The Brae High School Pitches are used by sports clubs including the Delting Football Club. They are a regular venue for local sports matches, training and events.

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