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326 results for Shetland
Provided by Whalsay Leisure Centre

This session is exclusive for men only. Ideal for socialising, come and enjoy a relaxing swim at your own pace.

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Provided by Renal Unit

The eight-stationed Satellite Dialysis Unit is located in the Gilbert Bain Hospital. Consisting of 7 chairs in main unit and 1 isolation room. To reach the Renal Unit from the main entrance take your…

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Provided by Whalsay Leisure Centre

45-minute water-based workout consisting of a mixture of HIIT and different toning/strength exercises.

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Provided by Gilbert Bain Hospital

The Gilbert Bain Hospital is a remote and rural hospital providing emergency and acute care along with planned care, diagnostics and investigative services. Visiting consultants provide outpatient…

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Provided by Whalsay Leisure Centre

Circuit-based workout targeting the whole body through a mixture of high-intensity exercise, strength training, and boxing drills. Promotes strength, fitness, and mobility.

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Provided by Mental Health Department

NHS Shetland's mental health professionals are responsible for five areas of service provision. All of these services are accessed via a GP. The aim of the department is to ensure that people…

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Provided by Whalsay Leisure Centre

A 30-minute spinning session then a 15-minute total ab workout. A great cardio workout with core strengthening for more advanced.

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Provided by Intermediate Care Team, Shetland

Multi-disciplinary, partnership team focussed on provision of re-ablement programmes, additional support to increase independence on discharge home from hospital and provision of additional support…

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Provided by Whalsay Leisure Centre

40-minute spinning session. This session is great for improving your cardio.

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Provided by Orthotic Department

NHS Shetland Orthotists are registered healthcare professionals who specialise in the assessment of the whole body for biomechanical problems (such as painful flat feet) and if appropriate may…

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