Find help and support in Shetland

Shetland Community Directory includes information about the many groups, organisations, and services available across Shetland. You can browse the full list of organisations or find a specific service using the keyword search box. Alternatively, you can filter listings by location or category to narrow down your search.

326 results for Shetland
Provided by Community Development Company of Nesting

The Nesting Scrapstore is a social enterprise shop operated by the Community Development Company of Nesting and located at the Aald Skül in South Nesting. We accept a large range of second-hand and…

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Provided by Whalsay Golf Club

Whalsay Golf Club has an 18-hole golf course with a practice area and a children's 6-hole mini-course. Tee bookings can be made through our website.

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Provided by Living Lerwick Ltd

Living Lerwick is the Business Improvement District (BID) which covers Lerwick town centre, in Shetland. The BID has over 150 member businesses from a range of sectors including retail, personal…

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Provided by Voluntary Action Shetland

Voluntary Action Shetland is Shetland's third sector interface. It is a single point of access for support and advice for the third/voluntary sector. Our vision is to be a strong asset for…

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Provided by Sandness Community Development

Support for residents in the community of Sandness. Improving opportunities and access to services; increasing economic activity; encouraging non-invasive tourism and maintaining the historical…

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Provided by Shetland Mandolin Band

Shetland Mandolin Band is a band of Shetland-based mandolin players (and players of instruments of that ilk) who meet together occasionally to play and share tunes, with the aim of encouraging and…

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Provided by Transition Turriefield

Production of vegetables and fruit. Volunteering opportunities: weekday sessions-9 am-1 pm (or part session to suit) and Saturday morning bigger team sessions (10-12.30 pm followed by lunch).

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Provided by The Fishermen's Mission - Shetland

The Fishermen’s Mission is the only fishermen’s charity that provides emergency support alongside practical, financial, health, spiritual and emotional care. We help all fishermen working in UK…

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Provided by Sandwick Youth and Community Centre Building

The Sandwick Youth and Community Centre (SYCC) is available for hire to the general public. Spaces included in hire are; … Main Hall (available for sports, kids' groups, squad meetings and other…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

The Association of Shetland Community Councils (ASCC) was originally formed in the late 1970s and is an umbrella body that supports the work of Community Councils. It is an independently constituted…

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