Find help and support in Shetland

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101 results for Shetland + Health and Social Care
Provided by Sands (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society)

Many parents feel that only others who have experienced the death of a baby can offer real understanding. Our countrywide network of over 104 local support Groups, usually run by bereaved parents and…

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Provided by Open Project

The Peer Mentoring Project supports and trains young people aged 16-25 to become peer mentors to provide support and guidance for 14-21 year olds, to identify, set and work towards a series of goals…

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Provided by South End Menopause Support

Menopause peer supportJoin us on a Thursday night, email us for more information.

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Provided by Shetland Rape Crisis

We offer counselling at the Compass Centre for up to 6 months at a time, after which you can take a break for a few months and re-refer if you feel you need more support. Our door is always open. It…

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Provided by Northmavine Community Development Company

NCDC's 'Growing Local' project aims to support local growing and food production in Northmavine. 'Growing Local' builds on some exciting developments around local growing in…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

The Adult Social Work Team provides a generic social work service to any adult who requests or requires an assessment for care. Our supported people include adults with dementia, mental health…

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Provided by Heartwork Services

Covid-19 has changed our lives. The pandemic created challenges which required innovative solutions. Heartwork Services is no longer restricted to Counselling in Dundee alone. We now provide…

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Provided by Shetland Community Connections

Shetland Community Connections is all about working innovatively with individuals to make connections, form new relationships, raise aspirations, and participate fully in activities and social life.

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Provided by Heartwork Services

Chat Room or instant messaging Counselling, as it is sometimes known, takes place in real time. This type of Counselling takes place using the written word with the aid of a computer, mobile phone…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

We all have a responsibility to look out for children and make sure they and their families receive the help they need. It is not your responsibility to decide what help is needed, but it is your…

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