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Shetland Community Directory includes information about the many groups, organisations, and services available across Shetland. You can browse the full list of organisations or find a specific service using the keyword search box. Alternatively, you can filter listings by location or category to narrow down your search.

6 results for Shetland + Lifelong Learning
Provided by Northmavine Community Development Company

NCDC's 'Growing Local' project aims to support local growing and food production in Northmavine. 'Growing Local' builds on some exciting developments around local growing in…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Adult Learning is part of Shetland Islands Council's Community Planning and Development Department. We provide informal learning opportunities in response to local and national priorities. This…

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Provided by The Althing

The Althing organises debates during the winter months in Shetland, on a variety of issues. These are generally held in evenings in Lerwick and there is a small charge for attending.

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Provided by Skills Development Scotland Lerwick Office

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is Scotland’s national skills body. We contribute to Scotland’s sustainable economic growth by supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills. We…

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Provided by UHI Shetland

We offer inspirational learning, influential training, and innovative research in the heart of Shetland’s community. As the most northerly partner of the University of the Highlands and Islands, we…

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Provided by Shetland Mandolin Band

Shetland Mandolin Band is a band of Shetland-based mandolin players (and players of instruments of that ilk) who meet together occasionally to play and share tunes, with the aim of encouraging and…

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