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6 results for Shetland + Sexual Health
Provided by Shetland Rape Crisis

We offer counselling at the Compass Centre for up to 6 months at a time, after which you can take a break for a few months and re-refer if you feel you need more support. Our door is always open. It…

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Provided by The Compass Centre

We provide free and confidential information, support, counselling, and advocacy to any non-abusive person in Shetland of any gender (age 13+) who has been affected by sexual violence or harm at any…

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Provided by Shetland Women's Aid

We are the lead organisation working towards the prevention of domestic abuse in Shetland. We offer advice, counselling, and both practical and emotional support to women, young people, and children…

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Provided by Maternity Department, NHS Shetland

The Maternity Unit is the first point of contact for women with positive pregnancy tests. We provide antenatal clinics in the hospital and at local health centres. Additional antenatal, intrapartum…

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Provided by Sexual Health Service

This is a confidential, non-judgemental service for people of all genders, orientations and ages. There is a Sexual Health Clinic in Outpatients at the Gilbert Bain Hospital on Monday evenings from…

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Provided by Health Improvement Department, NHS Shetland

The Health Improvement Team work across the length and breadth of Shetland to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals or communities. We do this by enabling and encouraging healthy choices as…

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