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12 results for Shetland + Therapy and Counselling
Provided by Shetland Rape Crisis

We offer counselling at the Compass Centre for up to 6 months at a time, after which you can take a break for a few months and re-refer if you feel you need more support. Our door is always open. It…

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Provided by Heartwork Services

Covid-19 has changed our lives. The pandemic created challenges which required innovative solutions. Heartwork Services is no longer restricted to Counselling in Dundee alone. We now provide…

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Provided by Heartwork Services

Chat Room or instant messaging Counselling, as it is sometimes known, takes place in real time. This type of Counselling takes place using the written word with the aid of a computer, mobile phone…

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Provided by The Compass Centre

We provide free and confidential information, support, counselling, and advocacy to any non-abusive person in Shetland of any gender (age 13+) who has been affected by sexual violence or harm at any…

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Provided by Relationships Scotland - Shetland

Offers a chance for couples or individuals, who have problems with their intimate relationships, to speak confidentially and in privacy to a trained counsellor.

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Provided by Yasp

The Shetland MS Society fund one to one physiotherapy sessions with Margaret Gear, specialist neurophysiotherapist at Yasp (up to 6 free treatments per episode of care and up to 12 free sessions per…

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Provided by Shetland Stroke Support Group

The Shetland Stroke Support Group is a friendly and inclusive group. We have our own committee and bank account and are affiliated with Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland. We provide support and…

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Provided by Shetland Women's Aid

We are the lead organisation working towards the prevention of domestic abuse in Shetland. We offer advice, counselling, and both practical and emotional support to women, young people, and children…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

The School Counselling Service delivers one to one counselling to children and young people in schools and is also a resource to wider school communities, including parents, carers and staff. One to…

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Provided by Shetland Bereavement Support Service

We offer free and confidential support for people experiencing grief in Shetland. The service is open to children and adults.

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