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14 results for Shetland + Transport and Mobility
Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Harbour Master and Port Operations service for vessel traffic and the Shetland Island community. For Sullom Voe VTS (24/7) please phone: 01595 744280 … For Scalloway & Small Ports Please phone:

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Ferry information services for the Shetland Island community.

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Service for the management of roads and footpaths for the Shetland Islands Council.

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Provided by Royal Voluntary Service Shetland

We provide a friendly transport service to older people (60+) to appointments (medical or social related). Our volunteer drivers use their own vehicles. There is a small charge involved. Please…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Transport planning service for the Shetland Islands Council.

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Community planning and development for the Shetland Island Community. (Please note, this service is not for building planning. For buildings, please look for 'Planning' )

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Provided by Shetland Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

We provide free, impartial, specialised, and confidential advice to the people of Shetland. We deliver information and advice on a wide range of topics, empowering people to address problems and…

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Provided by Fetlar Community Council

The Community Council is a body which represents the views of the residents of Fetlar with Shetland Islands Council, ensuring that their voice is heard and their views taken into consideration.

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Provided by Papa Stour History and Community Group

The Shetland island of Papa Stour has been experiencing significant depopulation over the last forty years, and the Papa Stour History and Community Group (SCIO) (PSHCG) was formed and constituted as…

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Provided by Shetland Islands Council

Main reception for the Shetland Islands Council. Please contact us for any general enquiries.

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