LLERN Shetland

Provided by LLERN Shetland

We are a group of volunteers, in recovery or still actively using substances. We meet at the Recovery Hub, Pitt Lane, Tuesdays from 12 to 2 p.m.

By sharing our lived and living experiences, while working alongside the Alcohol & Drug Partnership (ADP) and local service providers, we hope to help better shape Shetland services, to help provide improved services and to give a voice for all in recovery/using substances.

We aim to share our lived and living experiences to help services have a better understanding and build a visible recovery community by dispelling the stigma around substance use/recovery.

We are here to help boost and promote recovery in our community and to offer peer to peer support.

If you are over 18 years old and you can commit to attend regularly, we invite you to join us to start building a visible recovery network. Come along and share your own experiences, ideas, concerns and dreams.

Recovery needs you! It's a safe place and your views will be noted anonymously.

Contact information


  • PinThe Recovery Hub & Community Network, Pitt Lane, Shetland, ZE1 0DW

Info-circleThis listing was last updated on 07/01/2025